Thursday, October 22, 2009

They are three week old now!

The three little kittens are three weeks now!
How fast a week can go by!!!

CC has gone potty finally and is sleeping much better. I never thought I would be happy to see cat poop!

They all got a bath after I watched a vet on a you tube video say it was okay. I only filled the sink about a quarter of the way with warm water. It was probably the warm water helped to get things started because she just let it go while she was laying in the water!!

Felix still is significantly smaller than CC and Shadow. It is almost like they are growing every day and he is not. He eats, but he just does not seem to gain weight.

When I am petting them and while they nurse they all three purr and purr and purr. It is such a soothing sound I am afraid I might fall asleep and drop them. I want them to be loving and gentle so that I will be able to find good homes and people who want to keep them for their whole lives. A loving cat is just that much easier to find a good home.

Funny how they walk, shaking and unsteady at first and now almost running to the sound of my voice. When I say running I am taking liberties as it is not quite a run but so much more so than what they first tried.

CC went exploring and found the heating pad I have been using for my arm. I had set it down so that I could feed them, but had forgotten to shut it off. She snuggled right down and did not move for quite a while.

Betelgeuse, my parrot, flew down to the floor and walk over to their crate the other day. Shadow was hanging on to the top edge of the crate, Beteleuse would look up then walk away and then come back and look up again. It was so funny watching the look on his face.

With just the two of us I was doing 3 loads of laundry a week. Strange that I find myself doing laundry every day now. Lots and lots of towels.

Here are some pictures from 10.21.09

Here are some pictures from 10.22.09

They are eating more, going potty and crawling quite well. When I put them on the floor they will come to where I am sitting.
The little claws still do not retract. A fact my hands can attest to!