Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Three Lost Little Kittens!

About a month ago, a cat, a fat cat, began visiting Chris and Ambers. She looked forlorn and hungry so Amber, whose heart is big and kind began offering the poor thing food.
One day she noticed the cat was not "fat” anymore and she suspected that there might be kittens somewhere.
10.14.09 Sometime during all the chaotic events that have unfolded these lately, she noticed that she had not seen the cat. Then a few days ago she heard meowing. After a couple of days she began to worry since she had still not seen the mother cat.
Last Tues. we had a horrific winter storm, Sacramento received 1.5" of rain that day and we had wind gusts up to 45 mph.
Weds. morning she heard the plaintive cries again and knew she needed to search for them. She enlisted the aid of Christian, her husband, in searching for the source. Together they found them in the old pump house on their property. At first they thought only one was alive. They were ice cold, soaked to the skin, covered in mud and ants were beginning to be drawn to the smallest kitten, he was also the coldest.

She called me frantically and I encouraged her to bring them over. We dried them, removed the mud and ants, then fed them KMR (Kitten Replacement Milk).

I am guessing they are about 2 weeks old because their eyes are open, but haven’t been for long. They have that cloudiness look of newly opened eyes. We have 2 boys and 1 girl. The girl is the largest, has a rounder face and longer fur. The middle child has long hair as well, but not as long as his sister. The littlest has short hair.

I was not too sure as to the survival rate of the smallest. He looked like he did not have more than an hour or two left of life. I am sure it was only the body warmth of the other two that sustained him.

Amber had planned to care for them and therefore took them home only to find out they had a notice they had to be moved out within two weeks. The next morning she called and asked if I would take them and of course I said yes!

Warm, cozy and full bellies.
Life is good.

Look at that face!
From Earth Song

What a position!

10.15.09 They have slept most of the time. When they awaken I stimulate them to pee, clean them up wash my hands, feed them, get them to pee again, wash my hands, feed them, get them to pee again, put fresh towels in their bed, then put them down to sleep and in 3 to four hours we do it all over again.

I had to switch to a bin with fold down tops. Those little kittens were almost climbing out of the first bin.
Using the eye dropper.
Ouch! the little teeth are breaking through!

10.16.09 Had a field trip today with Brennan. It was an all day event so I took the kittens with me. We went to the Grace Foundation in El Dorado Hills. They mainly take in horses, but also have taken in other rescue animals, cats included. I mentioned the kittens to Beth, the owner of the foundation and she took a look at them. Said she thought they looked good and that I was doing everything right. Whew! It was a good feeling to hear that. Then she said to be prepared, I could do everything right and still… sometimes they die.
The little girl in a Peaceful Sleep
Wiping butts. I thought I was through with this once my kids were grown!

10.17.09 The kittens are growing more and more each day. They are quite a handful, but in these stressful times it is healing to give comfort and aid to something so helpless.
Each day they have grown stronger and stronger.

My Supplies, I forgot to add the heating pad, very important!

10.18.09 Wow, what a difference a few days and food makes. The kittens are getting stronger and louder ! When they wake up the cacophony is overwhelming!
I go to my peaceful place and then I just focus on one at a time. My hands are getting quite rough feeling as their sharp little claws shred the top layers of skin.
10.19.09 I am concerned for the little girl. She is the largest and the strongest, but is not eliminating the waste she is producing. If I cannot get her to have a bowel movement I am afraid she may die. I know at times she is in pain. It tears at my heart to hear her cries. At the moment though, she is sleeping peacefully with her brothers.
I noticed today, their eyes had begun to lose the cloudiness that they have after just opening. I also noticed the ear canals are opening.
M is for MMMMmmmmm good milk!